28 May 2008

I have finally decided to blog!

I have finally decided to blog. I have a website but it is quite static, in the sense that people cannot ask me any questions or there is no where to leave your comments. But here, I encourage any body out there who has a query about housing in Singapore. No obligations, this service is for free! So ask away...


Anonymous said...

Hey.... Everyone this is My Division Director. The BEST DIVISION DIRECTOR.

This is not a good idea but excellent idea. Well I must say not more for us being yr agent but good for all your clients and people out there being locals or foreigners.

So for all of you out there, this is the right person to ask anything about property. TRUST MY WORD.

Yati Rozlan

Harjindar Kaur (Jin) said...

Thanks, Yati.

Harjindar Kaur (Jin) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi, I am actually looking for property for investment. Private condo. any recommendation.